We began raising Hollands in the summer of 2012. We researched and read over pages of several high quality reputable breeders to help determine which way we wanted to go. We were fortunate to obtain 2 very nice bucks from 2 very reputable breeders. One of which is strong into line breeding and the other of which is into phenotype breeding. Both breeders being very successful in the Nationally competitive tables, I felt it was great taking a bit of advice from them.
We first envisioned our dream Holland and have slowly been working our way towards that goal. We are a small rabbitry and intend on remaining as such for the time being. We typically keep under 20 hollands. We plan our breedings months ahead of time, and typically only breed a few times a year.
We have worked to only use true dwarf in our breeding program. This took a few test breedings to eliminate any false dwarfs and so far we are proud to say we have not produced or used any in our program in the last year. We have some large beefy does, but are very pleased with the fact they are most certainly true dwarfs despite their appearance.
We primarily work with shaded group. We do occasionally hang onto a few blacks in hopes of darkening tort lines when needed. We have ended up with a few dilutes this last year and are still on the fence about them. Ideally I prefer to work with Black torts.
We have been working very hard on a line breeding project and are just recently seeing some of the exciting results we were hoping for. We are anxious to continue our plans and hope for some stunning offspring by this next summer.
We do enjoy the shows when we are able to attend them. Despite the competitive nature of some, it doesn't effect what we take away from each show. We go to them as a chance to learn and observe what others see in our rabbits. We do feel shows should be for the purpose of learning about your herd and your rabbits, therefore you should be showing what you grow.
We first envisioned our dream Holland and have slowly been working our way towards that goal. We are a small rabbitry and intend on remaining as such for the time being. We typically keep under 20 hollands. We plan our breedings months ahead of time, and typically only breed a few times a year.
We have worked to only use true dwarf in our breeding program. This took a few test breedings to eliminate any false dwarfs and so far we are proud to say we have not produced or used any in our program in the last year. We have some large beefy does, but are very pleased with the fact they are most certainly true dwarfs despite their appearance.
We primarily work with shaded group. We do occasionally hang onto a few blacks in hopes of darkening tort lines when needed. We have ended up with a few dilutes this last year and are still on the fence about them. Ideally I prefer to work with Black torts.
We have been working very hard on a line breeding project and are just recently seeing some of the exciting results we were hoping for. We are anxious to continue our plans and hope for some stunning offspring by this next summer.
We do enjoy the shows when we are able to attend them. Despite the competitive nature of some, it doesn't effect what we take away from each show. We go to them as a chance to learn and observe what others see in our rabbits. We do feel shows should be for the purpose of learning about your herd and your rabbits, therefore you should be showing what you grow.