Well, in the midst of this I somehow managed to not use my brain. We had one little buck that I had been taking extra care of, Sugar. He was born on the wire on Valentines day. He was the only survivor, and barely at that. I fostered him to bigger litter to survive. Well even at that he struggled. So I made sure for 2 weeks to give him extra feedings. And even with that, he struggled. His eyes were last to open, he was very very small. In fact, he was so small I fostered him into a smaller litter so that he matched sizes better. As time went, he has remained very small so I have made sure to give him extra grazing time. I leave long patches of grass in the lawn specifically for grazing. So I went for my routine of putting him out to graze. I check on them often and it wasn't long before I noticed he was sprawled out, much like they do in the heat of the summer. It wasn't normal. I quickly remembered the lawn had been sprayed the day before. So I got him and put him back in his pen where he instantly layed down. I knew that moment something happened. I isolated him and began treating him. I read up on the chemicals used and it was Fipronil. Of course it isn't dangerous to cats or dogs, however... it is deadly to rabbits. We can't find vets to give us proper advice... so why I thought a bug man could, was beyond me. Why did I trust that it was safe for rabbits, just because he told me so?
So we have been treating him for a week. He has had a complete allergic reaction to it, with sniffles and wheezing and watery eyes. I instantly dig up as much dandelion as I could and gave it to him every day. It is a natural remedy for respiratory issues. I instantly noticed improvement. Each day he got a little better. It's been almost 2 weeks and he looks like he will be just fine.
That being sad, he is still one I feel will always need TLC. He is very tiny. Just barely over a pound at almost 3 months old. This means I would never take him to shows due to the stress it could put on him. I wouldn't feel good selling him, because I want him to be so catered to. So he will be staying with us. On the bright side, he is adorable. Possibly the best built rabbit we have. Hard to believe he is so miniature.