So now my rant of the week is over. As critical as I am of other peoples rabbits, I am twice as critical of ours. I have gotten rid of several potential herd bucks on a whim because I didn't like them that day. The cute guys still get happy lives on a farm so I don't feel bad about it, but at times, I wonder.. am I too critical? On a whim of being critical I listed two does as pets. Within a couple of days I canceled the listing. Now almost 2 weeks have passed and they are looking really really nice. Just in 2 weeks. Huge difference. Two weeks ago I was ready to throw in the towel on our Hollands until the Fall. I felt like our juniors were terrible and our line breeding was a huge waste of time. I felt defeated. Yesterday I pulled everyone out and looked again. Now I feel defeated in a different way. They are all looking so incredible that I don't know where I will put them all. Now it's more like, come on, can't one of you turn really ugly. But no, we have some nice thick limbs, nice wide shoulders, nice big round eyes, very full hq, shorter bodies than we have had in the past. It seems things are finally coming together! I'm not super excited that we have dilute locked in our lines but I am happy with so many other traits.
So in the midst of being in love with all our juniors today, I have also fallen in love with our one Fuzzy tort that we still have. I brush her almost every day and she is so sweet. Not like I need another pet... but I am afraid she is here to stay. Perhaps if a special home comes along later on down the road she can go stay there but for now she is staying.
I will be working on updating our website photos in the near future. It was on this weeks agenda, but burrrr. Not happening in this wind. I think if you are going to take the time to do a website you should also take the time to keep it current. The bucks I have on my site have changed so much since last year. Buddah has matured beautifully. Does are the hardest for me to keep current because when they are on a litter I hate pictures of them, then I never get around to it again. So that will be our new chore this spring.