As I posted before CreamPuff kindled 9 kits, one was DOA. That left us with 8 kits, so I fostered 2 to a first time mom, as that was our only option. Little did I realize the first time mom wasn't feeding good and we lost them. That put us down to 6 sables. And at 3 weeks we had a fader, so down to 5. Looks like some gorgeous babies though! Huge heads. Can't wait to watch them grow.
Star had 2 little babies, that were in the group not being fed. They are so tiny they don't even look real. It's as if they grew fur but are still newborn sized. I spent a solid week feeding them by hand with cat milk replacer. It kept them alive, however they didn't grow much. Finally, after Cream Puff was down to 5 kits, I fostered these 2 in with her. They are now looking much better... but very very small.
Our first time mom Pancake, never appeared to be pregnant so I wasn't getting my hopes up but then she surprised me with 3 gorgeous fat short chunky babies! She is a very attentive first timer! Maybe too attentive so I have to watch her close. After a few years under our belt of babies... I usually can tell what they are at birth. We have torts, and blacks and sables, so easy enough. Well, I have no clue what her babies are. None of them have the tort lines, or saddles? I'm so impatient, I want to know the second I see them, but looks like I will have to wait a few days for fur. I'm leaning toward blue torts or blue sables though.
On that side note, Moonshine, our cute little blue tort doe, finally kindled. She has spent a week making the fluffiest most detailed nest I have ever seen. Then had one baby on the floor. Sigh. Luckily I found it in time to revive it and it's doing well. It also happens to have thee largest head we have ever seen on a baby holland born in our herd! Being a singleton I transitioned it with Pancake.
Our juniors are looking fantastic. Our 2 black babies out of Rudy are so exciting! The buck is by far my favorite buck we have produced. He may end up being on the smaller side, but I love so much about him, he really exemplifies what we have been aiming for in our herd. The doe has such a nice full body and heavy bone. So excited Rudy is able to produce well. Hopefully the same goes with Pancake and Moonshine babies.
Our other juniors ebb and flow. I have loved my little doe from the get go, AceHops Queen B. I also really liked a buck in the group.. but now I am unsure. As for the other buck and doe, I wasn't as fond of them, however got them out yesterday and wow! They are really nice. Back to the grow tank for them all.