So our litters have been sporadic. We have proven does that act completely bred, and make lovely nests... i swear I even feel babies. Then come die date... nothing. After talking with some other breeders I almost feel like it's a feed issue. I have had one doe abort, which was a first ever for me, and other breeders have had this same problem for the first time ever. I however am not a big fan of switching feed. For one I have tried every type in the state and my animals hate it all. So I am working on supplementing. Not only did my does not deliver... my bucks have chewed their coats off. Only the bucks. It has to be something hormonal effecting both sexes in different ways. Hoping to see some turn arounds soon, however this puts our pretty bucks off the show tables until Fall. We finally get somethigng to show and bam, no fur. Way it goes for us I suppose.
On a happier note, (I still have stuff that bugs me though) we have have some really really cute tort juniors growing. Our only litters right now, are in thanks to a couple people. Our friend at Wild Iris Rabbitry was super nice and let us take in her gorgeous Broken Sable Point Doe. She was a bit snarly at first, but now all is well and she currently has a cute litter of brokens growing, making this our first broken sable in the nestbox. Our other litter is Quinnes and it is looking amazing. They are all torts so that always makes me happier. This is a fun litter, because our friend over at Little Rascals was nice enough to let us borrow a buck we were transporting for her. He was a big guy and it looks like some of that mass rubbed off onto his offspring. This combined with a beautiful doe from the Taylors will hopefully produce some nice stuff for Quinne to put on the tables this year.
I will be listing a few animals to sell soon. I have a few blue point bucks that I will still be growing out. I don't plan on keeping them, as we try to focus on show stock, however they are looking so nice it really disturbs me. So hard to let go of stuff that may be nicer than your other stuff. With that being said, we plan on making this call by the June show. All animals listed carry sable and dillute. Other stock we will be listing:
Sr Black Buck (white toe nails) not showable but nice type. 125.00
Sr. Black Doe (white toe nails) not showable. Amazing type. May get a litter from her first. 150.00
Sr. Black tort doe. Very nice brood doe. Still maturing, slow growing but Great lines. Tight crown. 75.00
Jr Sable Point Doe. On the smaller side, balanced and typey. 75.00
Jr. Blue Point Buck. Not showable Nice bone and width. Loose crown with some midsection length 75.00
Jr. Fuzzy Sable Point Buck. Not Showable. Very typey. Would love to keep it if it weren't fuzzy. 50.00