In the past we have let our first mix lop Ginger, roam free. It was a fun experience for all of us, when it was just Ginger. As we had more rabbits, we learned Ginger would get aggressive toward certain bucks and they would latch on to each others faces through the cage. Didn't take but a second to realize this didn't work so well. So if Ginger was free we had to continually supervise any other bucks we put out in the play pen. It quickly lost it's joy. Well just recently for the fun of it, I let 2 litter mate sisters go along with another doe. In the course of just a couple hours they established territory. One took over a small corner of the yard, one a nook by the swing set, and one nestled into the raspberry patch. They would graze head to head in the yard without conflict. However, if one were to venture too close to the others zone they would give chase. It didn't take much and the others quickly understood their zones. They have a common ground and their private area. Very amusing how quickly they established this. I so love waking up and pouring my coffee looking out my kitchen window and seeing the rabbits playing on the lawn. It instantly brightens my day. Letting them run free brings out this different personality in them. Our black doe is usually not very friendly and I have not gotten very close with her. She was truly one of the most boring rabbits, seemed void of personality. When I set her free she was cautious at first then began to race about the yard. She would run and binky so high in the air it made me laugh. After a few days out running free she is so enjoyable. She is the first rabbit that comes to greet me when I go out in the morning.
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June 2016
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