The next great thing about his heat... is the bugs. Hooray. Flies everywhere. Which means flystrips. And if your me and have a curious fluffy young dog... it means disaster. I can tell you this... the stuff in the flystrips stinks something awful and I am on a weeks worth of bathing and it's still not gone.
Besides flies, pay attention to your rabbits. I noticed a doe was jumping all over, not in a happy binky kind of way. So I went and observed her. Took a minute, then I realized, Earwigs. I really can't stand those things. I have also had spiders startle our rabbits as well. Hoping to move everyone out so we can do a good spraying soon.
One last thing to be careful with in this heat are your nestboxes. It is their instinct to make them fluffy and cozy. Just as your babies can die from the cold in the winter, they can also over heat in their nest box in the summer. If you notice yours have tons of fur, you may want to remove some to be on the safe side and check the babies often to make sure they are't too hot.
I couldn't resist a few photos of our cute babies. We are loving this group. Looks like we have 3 does and one buck. Of course Trouble Maker couldn't sit still for the photo shoot. She's actually one of my favs from this litter too, but she refuses to show off for anyone. Our sable was our surprise baby out of Boo and she is one of the sweetest babies we have raised. Gotta enjoy them all this week because we know what phase is in store.... The uglies.